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Asbestos In Talc

Despite the fact that asbestos is banned in many countries across the world, there are still a huge number of products made containing this material. These include baby powder, makeup and other cosmetics. Even though products that feature talcum powder are still popular they contain hidden dangers to human health. One of the largest businesses that have been experiencing recent legal issue over asbestos being found in their talc products is Johnson & Johnson. Many lawsuits were filed after asbestos traces were found in their baby powder, which was recently dropped by the......

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Asbestos Removal During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a long list of effects throughout many professions, whether they have had to temporarily shut down or continue to operate as essential businesses, this includes the world of asbestos removal and the challenge of a PPE shortage. Asbestos is most likely to be found in buildings constructed before the full UK ban was introduced in 1999 and the partial ban in the US. If found, you will need to consult an asbestos removal specialist and if they determine that it is necessary, they will remove the potentially deadly......

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April in Review

Here’s a roundup of April’s big talking points from the world of Asbestos. Vauxhall Park Renovation Delayed After Asbestos Discovered The renovation of Vauxhall park, costing £1.4 million, has been delayed for six months due to the asbestos being discovered in the play area when parts of it were dug up for new paths and a new playground. It was explained that the particles were there from buildings that had been demolished and not cleared during the 1950’s and 60’s. Lambeth council and their contractors, Idverde, decided on a plan to clean up the area but......

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Derby workers with asbestos poisoning die from COVID-19

A pair of retired railway workers from Derby, Ronald Gray and Derek Wilmot, who had previously contracted asbestos-related illnesses have sadly died from coronavirus.

An inquest into their death was told how the men were regularly exposed to asbestos as a result of working on the railway during their long careers. Assistant Coroner Louise Pinder explained that both men died from Covid-19, contributed to by their industrial lung disease.

Mr Gray who passed aged 80, was an electrician and in 2015 he was informed......

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County with asbestos history looking to increase testing

Lincoln County, America, has a long and difficult history with asbestos, the legacy of which is having a real impact during the current coronavirus pandemic.

In Libby, Lincoln’s county seat, they used to mine vermiculite, which was contaminated with asbestos, until its close in 1990. As a result, it has been calculated by community officials that approximately 25% of residents suffer with various illnesses related to asbestos exposure. As COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, people from this county are at a high risk if infected.

As part of the County's coronavirus testing strategy, it......

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March in Review

Here’s a roundup of March’s big talking points from the world of Asbestos.

Colombia Preparing for Asbestos Ban

Following 1,700 deaths in the last 50 years due to mesothelioma, Columbia are readying for a complete ban on asbestos.  After 12 years of fighting for this ban, campaigners finally got their wish last Summer, as House of Representatives voted unanimously to stop asbestos use, mining and export.

Columbia is one of just seven countries to now institute a complete ban on the production, distribution and commercialization of the substance. Journalist Ana Cecilia was diagnosed......

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Hospitals at Risk of Ventilator Shortage

Health services across the globe are currently facing a strain like never before due to the continuing Coronavirus pandemic. Due to the quantity of patients being seen, certain pieces of life-saving equipment are in scarce supply, one in particular is the mechanical ventilator.

One of the many issues with this shortage is that it’s not only those suffering from COVID-19 that are need of these lifesaving pieces of equipment. For example, those who have asbestos related diseases such as mesothelioma are also in vital need of these ventilators to support their......

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Thailand Study Explores Risks of Mesothelioma

Over the last 100 years the risks of asbestos and subsequently mesothelioma has been continually explored across the world and recently a study from Thailand was published that further reveals the risks of the disease and the struggle to protect people from being exposed to it.

The target of their study was to determine the number of people in Thailand that died with traces of asbestos in their lungs in the period of one year. The analysis they conducted showed that of 200 autopsies the substance was present in nearly half......

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Mesothelioma and COVID-19

Those who already suffer with mesothelioma could be at risk of complications due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. As a respiratory illness which is rapidly spreading across Europe and the rest of the world it is greatly concerning to anyone with a pre-existing lung or breathing issue.

Mesothelioma patients should arm themselves with the necessary information and resources they need to keep themselves safe in this time.


What are the risks?

There are multiple risk factors COVID-19 will present for mesothelioma patients. The possibility of delaying cancer treatment is a real risk for sufferers......

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