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Petition of 25,000 delivered to FDA over asbestos in cosmetics

Petition of 25,000 delivered to FDA over asbestos in cosmetics

America – On 4th March, a petition with over 25,000 signatures was delivered to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on them to require a more precise method of testing for asbestos in talc. The petition was created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) along with the National Women’s Health Network, the American Association for Justice and Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity.

The petition comes after tests revealed products sold by popular retailers ‘Claire’s’ and ‘Justice’ contained traces of the deadly substance. On top of this, tests governed by EWG in January determined that a makeup kit produced by ‘IQ Toys’ – marketed towards children – contained traces of the toxic mineral.

The group have now identified over 2,000 different products that feature talc with over 1,000 of these including loose or pressed powders that may be inhaled.

EWG Legislative Director Colin O’Neil said, “EWG and others have repeatedly found asbestos in products made with talc, including cosmetics marketed to children”. On the topic of using the correct method of testing he continued “It’s outrageous that a precise method for testing personal care products for the presence of asbestos exists but the cosmetics industry isn’t required to use it”.

Based on this press release:


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